升隆紗布 Onplus Corporation

關於升隆 About Onplus Corporation

Onplus Corporation was grandly born in October, 1977. It landed on the ground gracefully and elegantly.
In the days of parents, Taiwan was the synonymous of knitting.The master craftsman's warm hands use various weaving techniques, stitches by stitches, inheriting the perseverance and touch of the fabric.In the traditional value of yarn, Onplus Corporation continuously researches and develops, self-improves, sustainable operate, and creates high-quality, environmentally friendly, delicate and elegant knitting touch.We committed to the pursuit of quality, simple fashion, from thick to fine yarns, to create sustainable value.


優勢特色 Advantages

材質輕量舒適 Lightweight and Comfortable Material

因應全球暖化的氣候變化,季節的因素已經不再拘束材質的選擇,一年四季的衣服材質皆逐漸輕薄、涼感。升隆則抓住了這個時代趨勢,運用自身的專業紡織經驗,將材質的製作,和發展逐漸走向輕量舒適,只為了讓人們在穿著上能夠更加舒服。 In response to global warming and climate change, seasonal factors no longer restrict the choices of materials, and clothes materials throughout the year are gradually thinner and cooler. Onplus Corporation has grasped the trend and used its own professional textile experience. Gradually Onplus Corporation moves its production and development of materials to lightweight and comfortable, just to make people more comfortable in wearing.

高針數等級選擇最多 Variety of fine knitting gauges

在紗線的產業多年,升隆已經有成熟的技術及知識,並利用領域的專業,在現今原料輕薄的發展下,提供12/14/16的細針針數選擇,盡可能滿足客戶對多樣化需求(垂度、紋理、面感的不同等等),並挑選適合的針數後應用,將不同的需求都成為升隆繼續向上提升的動力。 In the yarn industry for many years, Onplus Corporation already has mature technology and knowledge, and uses the field of expertise.
Under the current development of thin and lightweight raw materials, we provides 12/14/16 fine knitting gauges to satisfy customers' varied needs (different sag, texture, surface feel, etc.), and select the appropriate number of gauges for application. All different needs will become the driving force for Onplus Corporation to continue to improve.

Viscose / Rayon 品種最多 Viscose / Rayon has the most variety

嫘縈(viscose / rayon) 稱作人造棉或人造絲,由天然纖維素製成的再生纖維。帶有棉的舒適透氣以及絲質的光澤,由天然纖維製成並保有一定的垂墜度與柔軟度,透過人為加工則可加強他的「吸濕性」。而Viscose/Rayon則是升隆長久以來的核心產品,能提供各品種進行挑選,且在未來也將更專心於研發上。 Viscose / Rayon, a regenerated fiber made from natural cellulose. It is comfortable and breathable with cotton and silky luster.
It is made of natural fiber and retains a certain degree of drape and softness. It can enhance its moisture absorption through artificial processing. Viscose / Rayon is the core product of Onplus Corporation for a long time. We provide various varieties for selection, and focus more on research and development in the future.


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